Meet Attorney Roman


Attorney Alexandra Roman

Attorney Roman grew up in Massachusetts. She decided to become a lawyer in while still in high school and worked diligently toward that goal. She attended UMass Dartmouth, earning a bachelors in History in three years, then attended New England Law | Boston on a full scholarship.

After law school she went to work for the Volunteer Lawyer’s Project in the eviction unit, helping those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing eviction moratoriums. She and her husband bought a house in Ashburnham with an attached office, and she opened up her own law office, hoping to help a wider population with any of their legal needs.

In 2022, in response to a series of troubling Supreme Court cases, Attorney Roman launched a pro- and low-bono program to assist those in same sex marriages and relationships with assuring their families are protected should Obergefell v. Hodges be reversed. For more information about that program, visit the LGBTQIA+ advocacy tab.